POSTS IN cooking

Sometimes, you just need junk food

One of the stereotypes vegans get labeled with is that everything they eat is healthy. While I will say that many people I know who follow a vegan diet do eat a very healthy, balanced diet, there IS a lot of junk food out there. I mean, come on, look at Vegan Cupcakes Take Over […]

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Daring Cooks February: Mmm, Mezze!

So, I’ve hung up my Daring Bakers apron. It became too time consuming to be converting elaborate recipes containing a lot of eggs and butter into vegan, gluten-free versions. Maybe some day I’ll go back, but for now, I simply don’t have the energy to do it. However, I know I can convert cooking recipes; […]

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Delicious Thai Curry, and a Challenge

A few days ago, my coworker Melissa pointed me at a post on her blog, Oprah and Beyond. It was about veganism and how an article from the latest O Magazine, featuring Ginnifer Goodwin, discussed following a vegan diet. I have not read the article, but apparently Ginnifer makes it sound pretty easy to go […]

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Tofu scramble, tempeh bacon, and some whining – oh my!

Yeah, ok, so I disappeared again for a month. Truth is, this new diet I’ve been on has been a bit depressing. It wasn’t the gluten-free-ness of it all. It wasn’t the vegan part of the diet. It was the sugar-and-yeast-free stint I had to do, which was the month of September and the first […]

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Sugar High Friday Roundup – Tasty Locavore Treats!

This month I was lucky enough to host Sugar High Friday, the international sweet tooth extravaganza that takes place on the last Friday of every month. This month’s theme was Tasty Locavore Treats – making awesome sweet things out of local products. There were some wonderful submissions this month! Cathy from Aficionado submitted this lovely […]

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