POSTS IN shopping

A gluten-free, vegan survey

Hi! Yes, I still exist, and yes, I’m still a gluten-free vegan! I’ve just been busy – we bought a house in April, closed in June, and had a whirlwind summer of travelling, unpacking, and being with friends. To get started blogging again, I thought I’d do something very low-key and post my responses to […]

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Bunner’s Bake Shop

Toronto bakeries and coffee shops take note: you can make wonderful baked goods that are both gluten-free and vegan. As someone who adheres to both of those diets, it can be very difficult finding a snack if I’m at a cafe with Rich on a lazy weekend afternoon. Toronto has a lot of choices for […]

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The Mythical Daiya Cheese

Vegans here in Toronto have been all a flutter (or should I say all a twitter?) about Daiya over the past few months. So what’s Daiya? Daiya is a company that produces two kinds of  vegan ‘cheese’ products that look, smell, melt and taste a lot like cheese. No, really, they do! Even Rich, who […]

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Green Living Show

Rich and I checked out the Green Living Show on Saturday, thanks to two free tickets from Ecochick. We missed the show last year and had been looking forward to checking out all the green products this year. There were lots of vendors showing off non-food items like home decor and appliances, clothing, cars and […]

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Longing for the days of summer

Yesterday I was flipping through my flickr photo account and looking at some of the photos I took last year. I came across my St. Lawrence Market set and remembered that I hadn’t posted here about the lovely farmers markets that take place there. St. Lawrence Market is really a piece of Toronto history, spanning […]

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